

by Q pig baby

4.6 (1)







When I was a few years old, I had an impression of Shaqima. At that time, there was a dim sum chef who rode his bike to the village to sell bread and cakes. Every child can't resist the sweet Sachima. Since there is not much pocket money in my hand, I can only imagine the sweetness from a distance. Occasionally, my family bought one or two yuan, and a few of our brothers and sisters divided it into pieces and tasted it. The soft and sticky taste is soft and crunchy, and crispy and sweet. I really like the taste.
I recently read a Cantonese-style book earlier and learned about the production process of Shaqima. It turns out that you can easily make it in your own home! Beat the egg into the flour, knead it into a wet dough, sprinkle it with cornstarch, roll it out and cut into small strips, deep-fry until golden and pick it up, then boil the syrup, let the fried noodles roll in the syrup , Press it into the mold while it is hot, and cut into pieces after cooling. It's not difficult!
Today we had Shaqima for breakfast, accompanied by a cup of Yunnan Pu'er tea, which was quite enjoyable. There are two points to pay attention to here. First, prepare non-stick molds. Second, don’t overdo the syrup. Pick it up with chopsticks and just draw it. The mold used this time is Yangchen’s [9-inch non-stick pie pan] & [multi-function toast box], and the kitchen utensils use a deep fryer & Jiesai automatic cooking pot. Hope everyone will like this Cantonese dim sum Shaqima. "



1. Mix low-gluten flour, high-gluten flour, and baking powder on a kneading mat, then hollow out the middle, and pour in the whole egg liquid.

Shaqima recipe

2. Knead it into a moist dough, add 10 grams of water according to the degree of wetness of the flour, and knead it into a very sticky and soft state. It is said that the shaqima is soft and soft.

Shaqima recipe

3. Sprinkle a little cornstarch on the surface of the dough, knead it round, cover it, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Shaqima recipe

4. Sprinkle cornstarch on the dough to prevent sticking, then roll it into a 0.2 cm thick sheet.

Shaqima recipe

5. Cut the large noodles into sections of small noodles, then cut into thin strips, and sprinkle cornstarch on the leather strips to prevent sticking.

Shaqima recipe

6. Raise the frying pan while sieving the slabs to remove excess starch.

Shaqima recipe

7. Put a billet into the oil pan to test the oil temperature. If the billet rises rapidly, it means that the oil temperature is OK. Start to put the billet and fry the billet.

Shaqima recipe

8. Pick it up when it's golden brown and let it cool for later use.

Shaqima recipe

9. Put 35 grams of water, caster sugar, and maltose into the automatic cooking pot.

Shaqima recipe

10. Start the manual function of the Jiesel automatic cooking pot, and adjust the firepower to level 3.

Shaqima recipe

11. Simmer the syrup over low heat until the caster sugar is completely dissolved and a thick foam appears.

Shaqima recipe

12. Boil the syrup to about 115 degrees. If you don't have a thermometer, pick up the syrup with chopsticks and pull out the filaments after it has cooled slightly.

Shaqima recipe

13. Turn off the heat, pour in the fried slivers, stir quickly while they are hot, so that each sliver can be covered with syrup.

Shaqima recipe

14. Pour the mixed billet into a non-stick mold and press it while it is hot.

Shaqima recipe

15. After cooling, use a scraper to lift from the edge and pour the Sachima out of the mold.

Shaqima recipe

16. Cut into small pieces, serve with a cup of hot tea, and enjoy it!

Shaqima recipe


1. First, prepare a non-stick mold. If it is not, put a layer of high-temperature-resistant plastic wrap in the mold.
2. The second syrup should not be overwhelmed. Use chopsticks to pick it up. It can be drawn. Once overwhelmed, it will turn into caramel and the taste and color will not be good.
3. If you have rich flour, you can directly use 200 grams of rich flour instead of high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour.


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