Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing

by meggy dancing apple

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Eggplant is tender and can be cooked in many ways. Today, this long eggplant is steamed first and then mixed. It is especially suitable for eating in summer. It is refreshing, appetizing, and free of oily smoke. The long eggplant is steamed and left to cool, and then torn into strips by hand, soaking up the juice, it is extremely enjoyable to eat. "


Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing

1. Wash the long eggplants and remove the stalks

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

2. Put it in a steamer and steam on high heat for about 10 minutes

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

3. Use chopsticks to pierce the eggplant, it can easily penetrate, then you can turn off the heat

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

4. Take the eggplant out and place it on a plate, and tear the eggplant in half by hand while it's hot

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

5. Adjust the sauce: chop garlic into fines, chop green onions, and add oil and salt light soy sauce, vinegar and other seasonings into a bowl, mix well

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

6. After the eggplant is allowed to cool, you can tear it into strips by hand and place it in a large bowl.

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

7. Pour the sauce on the eggplant, it's edible

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe

8. The eggplant with enough juice is soft and glutinous, and very appetizing

Shredded Eggplant with Cold Dressing recipe


The sauce can be adjusted or increased or decreased according to the taste; try to make each eggplant with the skin, so that it tastes more delicious.


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