Steamed Hairy Crabs

Steamed Hairy Crabs

by Fire tree silver flower a cat

4.9 (1)







I love to eat hairy crabs, and share it with the babies who love to eat hairy crabs and love fresh flavors


Steamed Hairy Crabs

1. The easiest way to select high-quality Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs: green shell, white belly, yellow hair, golden claws.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

2. The selected hairy crabs are put in clean water and cleaned with a brush. The rope does not need to be untied.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

3. Spread the cut ginger slices evenly on the plate and cover with perilla leaves.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

4. Place the hairy crab tongs down and turn the stomach.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

5. Pour a lid of rice wine evenly on the two crabs.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

6. Put water in the pot so that the amount of water just exceeds the shelf. Cover the lid and steam on medium heat for about 12 minutes to get out of the pot.

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe

7. I like the crab vinegar from Siyanjing. Since I am lazy, I use ginger paste instead of ground ginger. Babies can pound the ginger paste and mix it with crab vinegar. The amount depends on personal preference, or you can leave it alone. ☺️

Steamed Hairy Crabs recipe


Babies who need a lot of steaming, ginger slices and perilla leaves also need to be added! Okay, I wish everyone a happy meal


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