Stir-fried Intestines

Stir-fried Intestines

by tgcyy

4.6 (1)







Guanchang is a kind of snack in Jinzhong, Shanxi. It is made with buckwheat noodles and has nothing to do with the meat called enema.
The biggest nutritional feature of soba noodles is that ordinary foods rarely have it, that is, it contains a lot of niacin and rutin at the same time. Both of these two substances have the effect of lowering blood lipids and serum cholesterol, have important preventive effects on hypertension and heart disease, and are good medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Soba noodles also contain more minerals, especially phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, which are of great significance for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human cardiovascular system and hematopoietic system. "


Stir-fried Intestines

1. Prepare the raw materials, the intestines and mung bean sprouts.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

2. Cut the intestines into finger-wide strips, and shred the green onions.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

3. Add a little salt, vinegar, cold water and sesame oil to the garlic paste and mix well.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

4. Fry the shredded shallots in a wok with hot oil.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

5. Add mung bean sprouts, salt, half of the garlic vinegar and stir fry.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

6. Add the intestines and stir fry a few times.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe

7. Just cook in the remaining half of garlic vinegar before serving.

Stir-fried Intestines recipe


The garlic should be mashed and the amount of vinegar should be larger. Garlic and sour are the characteristics of this dish.


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