Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions

by Original Life•Home

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Lamb is most suitable for eating in winter. Stewed, rinsed, boiled, and fried in various ways to warm up and relieve gluttony. Today we will cook scallion fried lamb, which is easy and convenient to serve.


Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions

1. Cut the lamb into thin slices, rinse with water repeatedly to remove the blood and squeeze the water, add a little white pepper, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 egg white, a little starch, and marinate for 10 minutes. Cut the scallion into sections with a diagonal knife, and shred the ginger

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions recipe

2. Add 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of oyster sauce, a little clam powder, and appropriate amount of salt in a small bowl.

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions recipe

3. Pour the hot oil in a hot pan into the marinated mutton and stir fry quickly until it changes color

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions recipe

4. Heat oil in another pot, add ginger and green onions, pour in the fried lamb, stir fry until evenly heated

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions recipe

5. Pour in the seasoned sauce, stir-fry evenly, and you will get the meat slices. Because they have been marinated with egg white and starch, they are especially tender, with a strong green onion fragrance, and the rice will suffer again.

Stir-fried Lamb with Scallions recipe


1. Cut the lamb as thinly as possible.\n2. Add egg whites and starch and fry to make it more tender and not dry.\n3. The whole frying process should be fried on high heat. The frying time does not need to be too long, otherwise it will be lamb When sautéed, the green onions will become wilted, and the appearance and taste will be affected.


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