#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake

by Depelec

4.8 (1)







Red dates walnut cake ingredients: 200g red dates, 240g milk, 750g eggs, 500g sugar, 12g salt, 10g baking soda
Low-gluten flour 650-700g Baking powder 15g Salad oil 300g Walnut kernel 200g Melted butter 300g"


#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake

1. .Put the pit of the red dates, boil them with milk, boil them into jujube puree, and keep cool for later use;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

2. Mix the eggs, sugar, and salt at a slow speed until saccharification;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

3. After the jujube puree is drained as much as possible, add it and continue stirring;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

4. Mix low-gluten flour, soda powder, and baking powder evenly, sieve them, and add them to the mixing vessel;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

5. Mix at a slow speed until there is no dry powder, and mix at a medium speed for a few times to avoid particles;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

6. Stir slowly, add the salad oil three times at a slow speed

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

7. Add the melted butter and mix slowly;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

8. Pick and clean the walnuts, add them, and mix them by hand;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

9. Pour the prepared batter into the mold and shake it slightly to eliminate excess bubbles;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe

10. Adjust the German oven to the middle and upper level of baking at 165 degrees; bake for 37 minutes;

#the 4th Baking Contest and is Love to Eat Festival#red Date Walnut Cake recipe


1. The process of cooking jujube puree is a very long process, be careful to paste the pot;
2. The amount of flour is not necessarily, the season, room temperature, and the water content of the jujube puree are all affected;
3. You can leave a small part of the walnut kernel, decorate the top layer of the batter, and decorate the almond slices;


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