The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus

by Red Bean Kitchen

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Hairtail is one of the marine fish species often eaten in inland cities. Hairtail octopus is tender and thornless. It is a very popular marine fish. My favorite cats of all sizes are sweet and sour octopus. They don't eat enough every time they make a plate.


The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus

1. The hairtail has been cut into sections, green onion, ginger, dried chili, and garlic cloves are ready.

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

2. Fry the hairtail in a frying pan until.

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

3. Fry until golden on both sides, then add green onion, ginger, garlic cloves and dried chili until fragrant

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

4. Add 4 spoons of sugar.

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

5. Add soy sauce.

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

6. Add vinegar

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

7. There is no need to omit the little fresh couple

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

8. Add beer

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

9. Add soy sauce

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe

10. Bring to medium heat until the soup is quick to dry.

The Classic Recipe for Octopus Delicious...sweet and Sour Octopus recipe


Don't rush to turn the octopus when it's fried until it's fried, it won't be broken when it's turned over.
The taste of sweet and sour can be adjusted at will.


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