Tomato Fish Soup

Tomato Fish Soup

by Cooking woman snacks

4.9 (1)








Ping, sweet, sour, slightly cold, returning to the liver, stomach, lung meridian; it has the effects of invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and calming the liver, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, nourishing blood and increasing appetite;

Black fish

Cold in nature, sweet in taste, rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and many vitamins (especially vitamin a containing 330 international units). Rich in nutrition, it has the functions of nourishing the spleen and diuresis, removing blood stasis and regenerating new life, and clearing heat.

The reason for using black fish is not only the nutrition of black fish itself, but also because black fish has thick flesh and few thorns, and it has the best effect when it is made into fish fillets, especially suitable for the elderly and children.

Tomato Fish Soup

------The soup is thick, delicious, slightly sweet and sour, both appetizing and nutritious! "


Tomato Fish Soup

1. Raw materials are ready

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

2. Cut the black fish into thin slices, add a teaspoon of salt and knead until the fish is sticky, rinse with water.

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

3. Add a little salt, a little black pepper and a teaspoon of starch to the washed fish fillets and marinate for a while. Peel and chop tomatoes.

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

4. Fill the wok with oil and fry the tomatoes into a sauce.

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

5. Add a piece of Shi Yunsheng's mellow broth, season with appropriate amount of water, salt and sugar, not too much sugar, just neutralize the acid of the tomatoes.

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

6. After boiling, add the marinated fish fillets, simmer and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Tomato Fish Soup recipe

7. The soup is thick, delicious, slightly sweet and sour, both appetizing and nutritious!

Tomato Fish Soup recipe


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