[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts

by I love tomato food

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This time of year is when the fresh chestnuts are ripe. The hairy chestnuts can be eaten from the breezy autumn to the snowy winter. Buy fresh chestnuts, and then start cooking the chestnuts to make cakes. Today, this cake is a picture like this in my impression, and I took this picture! The impression is very deep, I think it is very tempting! "


[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts

1. Let's make the cake body first. Chop chestnuts into fine pieces and set aside

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

2. Add 20g of fine sugar to the egg yolk and beat until it is thick, whitish and swelled

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

3. Add milk, salad oil and mix well

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

4. Sift in low-gluten flour and mix well

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

5. Pour the ground chestnut powder in step 1 and mix well

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

6. The egg whites are added with fine sugar in 3 times and beaten until dry and foamy

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

7. Take a small part of the egg white and add it to the egg yolk batter, quickly stir it evenly, then pour it back into the egg white and mix it into a cake batter

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

8. Pour it into the mold, shake it a few times, put it in the middle and lower layer of the oven, put it in the preheated 180 degree oven, bake it for about 20 minutes, and then bake it at 150 degrees for 40 minutes. After it is out of the oven, shake it slightly and pour it immediately. Buckle and let it cool thoroughly before demolding

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

9. Peel the cooked chestnuts and cut into small pieces for later use. 80g caster sugar and 20g water boiled into caramel

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

10. Then quickly add 70g whipped cream and mix into caramel sauce.

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

11. In a wok, boil 40 fine sugar and 10g water into caramel, then pour 15g hot water and mix

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

12. Pour in the chopped chestnuts, add butter, mix well and serve

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe

13. Put the caramelized chestnuts in the middle of the cake, then pour the caramel sauce in step 9 on the sides, and it’s fine

[tomato Recipe] Caramel Chestnut Cake-the Tempting Taste of Chestnuts recipe


​1. The cake recipe in the recipe is similar to that of chiffon cake.
​2. When cooking the caramel sauce, don't cook the caramel too much. Pay attention to the low heat and cook it slowly while stirring continuously with a manual whisk to prevent it from boiling. After the caramel sauce is boiled, pour it into a storage jar, seal it in the refrigerator and store it for a long time.
​3. When the caramel sauce is applied to the cake, follow the cake in a circle, about 1-2cm, and just pour it in a circle.


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