Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste

by Connie Chen

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



In the hot summer, things that relieve heat, clear heat and detoxify are very necessary, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and other fruits with sufficient moisture can clear away heat and detoxify. Sweet and moisturizing desserts like tangerine peel and red bean paste are also popular in summer. Guiling paste is also a very common food in summer. Guiling paste is a traditional medicinal diet with a long history. It is said that it was originally a precious medicinal material for the emperor in the Qing Dynasty. It is mainly made from precious olecranon and smilax, and then refined with medicinal materials such as rehmannia. It is mild in nature, not cool or dry, suitable for all ages, has the function of clearing heat and dampness, promoting blood circulation, relieving itching, and removing acne , Nourishes the bowel, nourishes yin and nourishes yang, nourishes the skin and refreshes the body This time, the two popular summer desserts of tangerine peel and red bean paste and tortoise shell jelly are combined to make a delicious [red bean paste tortoise shell jelly]


Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste

1. Prepare 120 grams of red beans and a piece of tangerine peel

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

2. Soak the red beans in water for more than 4 hours

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

3. Scrub the tangerine peel

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

4. Put 1 piece of tangerine peel, 120g red beans, 20g rock sugar and 1000ml water into the soymilk machine

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

5. Press the "Mung Bean Paste" function button of the soymilk machine

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

6. After the soymilk machine is finished, there will be a rich fragrance [Tangerine Peel and Red Bean Paste]

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

7. When the soymilk machine is working, make the tortoisewort and take out 50g of the tortoisewort powder

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

8. Add 100ml of cold water to the tortoise powder, mix well

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

9. Boil 900ml of water in a skillet, add the well-mixed tortoise powder, stir while adding

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

10. Pour the boiled Guiling paste into a container, let it cool, and cut into small pieces after cooling

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

11. Put a small piece of Guiling paste in a bowl

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe

12. Pour the red bean paste into the tortoise shell paste

Tortoise Paste with Red Bean Paste recipe


1 Tangerine peel and red bean paste can be boiled in a saucepan
2 Sweetness can be adjusted according to taste
3 Guiling paste powder can be purchased in supermarkets


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