Vanilla Souffle

Vanilla Souffle

by Donuts 🍩 Mimi Meow

4.6 (1)







Today is a beautiful goddess festival, how can I not make a high-value delicacy to satisfy my gluttons (people are not foodies, they are goddesses?) Okay, I can’t wait, come on Go ahead! ! !

I hope everyone can support me a lot. If you think it’s not bad, just bookmark it, and pay attention to update the dessert eggs from time to time! 😊


Vanilla Souffle

1. 1. Spread butter on the wall of the bowl, and then sprinkle a layer of sugar to make the cake rise.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

2. 2. Pour milk, butter, and 20g sugar into a milk pot and boil until slightly boiling, then remove from heat.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

3. 3. After cooling slightly, sift the low-gluten flour and vanilla powder into the milk mixture and mix well.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

4. 4. The egg white and egg yolk are separated into a basin without oil and water.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

5. 5. Slightly beat the egg yolks, then add them to the batter that has been cooled and sieved, and stir well.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

6. 6. Add 3 drops of lemon juice to the egg white, add 15 grams of sugar in 3 times and beat until dry foaming.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

7. 7. Add the whipped egg whites to the egg yolk paste in batches, and mix them up and down evenly (do not stir, it is easy to defoam).

Vanilla Souffle recipe

8. 8. The mixed cake batter.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

9. 9. Pour into the mold, it can fill 4 Soufflé bowls.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

10. 10. Put it into the middle layer of the preheated oven, heat up and down at 180 degrees, and bake for about 18 minutes.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

11. 11. The expansion is very high.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

12. 12. Sprinkle with powdered sugar as a decoration after baking.

Vanilla Souffle recipe

13. 13. Meimei Da Shu Fulei.

Vanilla Souffle recipe


1. The oven should be preheated for about 10 minutes in advance, and the specific temperature and time of baking should be adjusted and set according to the actual situation of the oven.
2. The baked soufflé should be eaten while it is hot, otherwise it will collapse soon.
3. The container used for baking is a ceramic baking bowl, which can be used in the oven. Remember, for safety reasons, do not use household water cups for baking.


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