White Cut Pig Heart

White Cut Pig Heart

by Qi_feXjZ8E2

4.6 (1)







The white slices are relatively non-greasy, dipped in sauce, and delicious. "


White Cut Pig Heart

1. One fresh pig heart.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

2. Boiled water.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

3. Pick up and wash.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

4. Cut 3 slices of ginger and one green onion knot.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

5. Put the pork heart, sliced ginger and green onion knot into the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of water, close the lid and press the porridge button, the default is 1 hour.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

6. Time is up, that's it.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

7. Pick up and let cool, slice it and put it on a dish.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

8. Put all the sauce ingredients into the saucepan and mix well.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

9. Finished picture.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe

10. Finished picture.

White Cut Pig Heart recipe


If you use a normal pot, turn to the lowest heat and simmer for half an hour.


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