【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】

by quenny

4.6 (1)







I went to the supermarket and saw fresh shrimps for sale. It looked pretty good, and I bought more than a catty back. The little guy is okay with prawns, he likes to eat it, just now I need to eat lightly, it should be good to cook a few dishes with prawns.

I made a casserole of soup. It looked like a lot, but the little guy and I drank all of it snortingly. . . Well, most of the shrimps were eaten by the little guy. . .

Ingredients: a piece of winter melon, appropriate amount of fresh shrimp seasoning: 1 bag of Shi Yunsheng thick broth, appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt, starch, sesame oil, shredded ginger and green onion"


【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】

1. Remove the head and tail of the fresh shrimp, peel off the shell and pick out the shrimp string on the back and abdomen, and put it in a small bowl.

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

2. Add a little cooking wine, salt and dry starch

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

3. Grab well and marinate for 10 minutes

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

4. Wash the wax gourd, peel and remove the flesh and slice it

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

5. Shredded ginger

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

6. Cut green onions into small pieces and set aside

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

7. Pour appropriate amount of water into the casserole, add 1 bag of Shi Yunsheng thick broth, boil on high heat

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

8. Pour the winter melon slices

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

9. Pour the shrimp

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

10. Smooth the shrimps, turn to low heat and simmer when they change color

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

11. When the winter melon is cooked, add the shredded ginger

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

12. And chopped green onion

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

13. Add a pinch of salt

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

14. Add a little sesame oil to taste

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe

15. Stir well

【winter Melon and Shrimp Soup】 recipe


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