Yogurt Fruit Tart

Yogurt Fruit Tart

by Flying summer flowers

5.0 (1)








Yogurt Fruit Tart

1. Take out the fly cake crust from the refrigerator and thaw at room temperature. Take two fly cake crusts and stack them together, roll them into a square, roll them into strips, and put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

2. Take out the refrigerated flying cake wrapper and cut into even small pieces

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

3. Take 2 sections of flying cake crust and layer them together, one side of which is coated with flour (anti-sticking), and put it in the tart mold facing upwards

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

4. Pinch the pie crust along the inner wall of the tart mold into a shape with a thin bottom and a high side. After making it in sequence, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

5. Oven at 190℃, bake for about 15 minutes (you can adjust the temperature and time according to your own oven), and let cool

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

6. Wash strawberries and cut into small pieces

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe

7. Spoon the yogurt into the tart crust and add the cut fruit pieces to complete

Yogurt Fruit Tart recipe


I did not tear off the clinker paper when rolling out the crust, so that it can prevent sticking and the fruit can be changed according to my liking.
Yogurt is thick and thick in some places. If the crust is too soft, you can put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate it for a while.


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