5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast

by Sun Cat Food

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The crepe in my impression is a kind of dessert, filled with a lot of fruit, packed full of cream and ice cream, and one bite is sweet and greasy. In fact, the crepe method of crepes is similar to our domestic pancakes. This time we will teach you to use different materials to make five different styles of crepes.


5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast

1. Mix the eggs and milk, sift in the flour and mix to make a uniform batter

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

2. Sift the flour, filter and refrigerate for half an hour

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

3. Spoon a small spoonful of batter on the greased pan, turn the pan to spread out evenly, low heat for about 90 seconds, wait until the crust is slightly bulging or the edges are turned upside down, and bake for 15 seconds to get out of the pan

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

4. Between each crust, use plastic wrap to prevent sticking

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

5. Strawberry Maple Syrup Crepes: Cut the strawberries in half, put some strawberries into the crepes, put some strawberries on top, sieve powdered sugar, and pour maple syrup.

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

6. Banana Chocolate Crepes: Banana slices, placed on the crepes, folded the crepes, squeezed with chocolate sauce, sprinkled with a little almond flakes.

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

7. Blueberry Yogurt Crepes: The crepes are folded, topped with yogurt and blueberries, and topped with blueberry sauce

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

8. Avocado Shrimp Crepes: Cut avocado into pieces, blanch the shrimps, add salt and black pepper, mix well and add to the crepes.

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe

9. Bacon and Cheese Asparagus Crepes: Fry the bacon, blanch the asparagus, roll into the crepes, spread mozzarella cheese, bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 15 minutes, and sprinkle with black pepper and salt.

5 Ways to Make Crepes|sun Cat Breakfast recipe


When making the batter, it must be fully filtered. There should be no gnocchi in it, otherwise the pancake crust will not be beautiful. The size of each pan is different. I fry about 9 crusts with such a batter.


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