Aloe and Papaya Soup

Aloe and Papaya Soup

by Little beauty eats food

5.0 (1)







I heard that papaya can increase breasts, but it’s hard to swallow. I made a soup and drank it for a month. The breasts have increased by one and a half cups.


Aloe and Papaya Soup

1. 1. Prepare all the ingredients.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

2. 2. Peel and cut papaya into small pieces

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

3. 3. Pour the aloe out and rinse with water.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

4. 4. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil and pour the papaya.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

5. 5. Boil on high heat to remove the foam.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

6. 6. Boil lotus root flour with water.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

7. 7. Boil the papaya for 5 minutes and add aloe vera.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

8. 8. Pour in the adjusted lotus root powder and stir evenly.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

9. 9. Add sugar osmanthus and stir.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe

10. 10. Boil and switch the heat to be good.

Aloe and Papaya Soup recipe


Papaya is best made with ripe papaya, which tastes better.


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