Assorted Yam Mud

Assorted Yam Mud

by Baby nutrition supplement

4.7 (1)







The WeChat public account "Baby Nutritional Supplements" contains 500 nutritional supplements I have made for my baby. With these 500 supplementary food recipes, I no longer have to worry about what my baby will eat. Xiaosi's mother will share baby food supplements for 6-24 months in this public account.

Many parents said that they need more supplementary food for strengthening the spleen. Yam can nourish the spleen and stomach. It is the best trump card for strengthening the spleen and protecting the spleen! But the steamed yam has no taste. If you eat it directly, the babies will shake their heads and stop eating it. Adding vegetables to it will look more lovely and have a richer taste. Yam can replace part of the staple food, this assorted yam puree can be used as a baby's meal.


Assorted Yam Mud

1. Prepare ingredients: 85g yam, 25g carrot, 25g peas, 1 egg.

PS: My peas have been cooked ahead of time. It will save time if you cook them in advance when you cook them!

If your baby is allergic to eggs, you can leave it alone!

For babies under 3 years old, you can press the cooked peas into puree before adding them to avoid choking, or replace them with broccoli, green leafy vegetables and other vegetables.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

2. Cut the yam into small pieces, put on a steamer and steam for 15 minutes, and steam the yam.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

3. Remove the skin of the steamed yam.

PS: If the steamed yam is peeled, I basically don’t wear gloves. Without the yam mucus, it will be less prone to itching.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

4. Use a spoon to press the yam into puree.

PS: The yam is a bit dry after steaming, so I added 10g of water to it to make the yam mud more moist. If you are using yam yam, it has a lot of water and is very watery, so you don’t need to add water.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

5. Cut the carrots into dice.

PS: In this step, the size of the carrot diced must be determined according to the baby's chewing ability.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

6. Blanch the diced carrots with boiling water to soften.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

7. Remove the blanched diced carrots and drain them for later use.

PS: You can also blanch the carrot slices first, and then chop them. If the baby eats it, chop it up more!

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

8. Separate the white and yolk of the egg and take the yolk. If your baby is not allergic to egg whites, you can use whole eggs.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

9. Stir the egg yolk into egg yolk liquid.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

10. Brush the pan with a little oil.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

11. Add blanched carrots and cooked peas.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

12. Then add 100g of water to the pot and bring to a boil on low heat.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

13. Add yam puree to the pot.

PS: If the yam puree is directly mixed with diced carrots and peas, it is difficult to stir evenly, so I will add the step of simmering the juice.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

14. Stir-fry continuously until the moisture is collected and the yam puree is evenly fried.

PS: Babies who are over one year old can decide whether to add salt according to their taste. If they need to add salt, they can add salt in this step.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

15. Finally, pour the egg yolk liquid into the pot.

PS: If you are allergic to eggs, you can remove this step!

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

16. Stir the egg yolk and yam continuously and evenly.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

17. Finally, add 2 drops of linseed oil to the yam puree. Stir fry and serve evenly, or make a shape like the picture below.

PS: Add a little vegetable oil to adjust the taste of yam mud.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe

18. Babies less than 12 months old can use it as a meal, but babies over one year old can use it to make a dish, and it can also replace part of the staple food.

Assorted Yam Mud recipe


For babies under 3 years old, you can press the cooked peas into puree before adding them to avoid choking, or replace them with broccoli, green leafy vegetables and other vegetables.


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