Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies

by Baby food supplement master

4.6 (1)







Reference age: The filling in the cone over 12 months old I directly used the sisters’ favorite purple potato + milk mashed combination. It is simple to make, soft and creamy, delicate and sweet, as the filling is full and full of taste. It couldn't be better.


Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies

1. Reference month age: 12 months or more, food preparation for babies who are not allergic to ingredients: Biscuits: 70 grams of low-gluten flour, 30 grams of sweet potatoes, 10 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oil, 1 egg yolk Filling: 60 grams of purple potato, milk 15g operation time: 40 minutes delicious index: ★★★★★
*The above amount of ingredients only represents the amount of production, not the amount of the baby's meal

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

2. Peel the sweet potatoes and purple potatoes separately and cut into small cubes.

*Sweet potatoes can be replaced with ingredients such as yam and pumpkin, and purple potato fillings can be replaced with any fillings such as bean paste.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

3. Put them in 2 small bowls and steam them together. It takes about 15 minutes.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

4. After they are fully cooked, take them out and mash the purple and sweet potatoes into puree.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

5. First add milk to the mashed purple potato, stir evenly, and set aside.

*If you want a more delicate taste, the purple sweet potato in this step is used as the filling and can be sieved once. Milk can enhance the flavor of milk, and allergic babies are automatically replaced with the same amount of formula milk or water that has been brewed.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

6. Add egg yolk, sugar, and oil to the mashed sweet potato, and beat it quickly until it becomes emulsified.

*The so-called emulsified state means that several incompatible ingredients are melted into an emulsion under rapid and strong stirring. Full emulsification will make the biscuits taste better, of course, you can also mix them directly.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

7. Then continue to add low-gluten flour, stir with chopsticks into a floc.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

8. Then knead it into a smooth dough.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

9. Roll the dough into a square pie shape, and use a meat tenderizer to make a pattern on the surface.

*If you don’t have a meat tenderizer, you can find any other molds at home that can be used to press patterns, or this step is omitted directly, and the taste will not be affected.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

10. Then cut the dough into evenly-sized triangles.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

11. Take a triangular face piece, roll it up in your hand, pinch the interface, and cut off the extra corners.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

12. Fill the cone with purple sweet potato filling.

*Excess leftovers are not wasted, just put them in the oven together with the biscuits and bake them for consumption.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

13. Place all the prepared cone biscuits in a baking tray, and spread a layer of silicone oil paper on the bottom of the baking tray to prevent sticking.

*Sisters who don’t have an oven can also choose to steam directly on the pot. The sisters who have an oven directly use the oven, which is the best.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

14. Adjust the oven to 160 degrees for 18 minutes, and put the biscuits in the preheated oven.

*If the oven at home does not have an automatic preheating function, you can manually adjust it to 160 degrees and preheat it for 5 to 10 minutes in advance.

*Because the heat of each oven is different, the baking time should be fine-tuned according to the situation of your own oven, subject to ripeness.

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe

15. Remove after baking.

I made 10 of the ingredients this time. Jun Jun here again emphasizes that the overall taste of the cone biscuits this time is soft, not crispy, but super delicious~

Baby Food Recipe for Cone Cookies recipe


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