Baby Meat Floss

Baby Meat Floss

by liaimama

4.8 (1)







This meat floss is suitable for babies over 15 months old. At this time, the baby needs to supplement a lot of high-quality protein, and pork is just right for the baby. It is convenient and easy to digest to make pork floss, and babies like it very much. After the meat floss is prepared, it is sealed and stored in a glass bottle. Give the baby a few spoonfuls a day to get the meat for a day. Very simple and convenient. There is no need to chop up minced chicken, minced pork, steamed fish, make dumplings, and make wontons every day. Don’t worry about what to do if the baby doesn’t eat meat today? Save a lot of time to prepare complementary food to play with your baby.
I added a little curry powder to this pork floss. The color is very beautiful. There is no spicy taste because of the small amount. If you don't like your baby to eat curry, just omit the curry powder. In addition, I added some cornstarch, mainly to increase the delicate taste and make the baby more comprehensive. Pork floss is too simple. The ingredients are simple, the tools are simple, the process is simple, in short, two words, simple. One pound of meat can make about 200g of pork floss, which is not cheap compared to commercially available ones. But I carefully looked at some commercially available ingredients and added a lot of pea flour, no wonder? Pea flour is heavy. "


Baby Meat Floss

1. Cut the green onion into sections, cut the ginger into slices, and peel the garlic. Cut the lean meat into small pieces.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

2. Then pour cold water into the pot, put the onion, ginger, and garlic in the pot, boil for 20 minutes on high heat, and simmer on low heat until the meat is smashed by pressing it with your hands.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

3. Take the stewed meat out and let it cool, place it on a cutting board, and pat it open with a knife.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

4. Then chop.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

5. Chopped pork floss. I don’t cut it very badly. My spinachman is more than 1 year old, so it’s okay to eat this.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

6. Pour oil in the pot and heat it up.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

7. Add the pork floss and stir fry for about 3 minutes. Pay attention to the heat, if there are signs of mushyness, quickly reduce the heat.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

8. Add the curry powder and fry until the curry powder is evenly colored.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

9. Add sugar and salt and continue to fry.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

10. Then add cornstarch and continue to fry.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

11. Until the fry is very dry, you can hear the rustling, scoop it up with a shovel and it can quickly disperse.

Baby Meat Floss recipe

12. Prepared pork floss.

Baby Meat Floss recipe


1. The smaller Xiaobao is, the better the stewed meat is. This can be made into smaller floss. Convenient for the baby to swallow. You can use a pressure cooker to stew meat, which is easy and convenient.

2. The taste of homemade floss is not the same as the one bought outside. Spinachman likes to make this by himself.

3. The drier the fried, the easier it is to preserve. Zeng Jin’s stir-fry was so wet and I didn’t have time to eat it, and it broke.

4. After it is done, put it into a glass bottle, seal it and store it in refrigerator.


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