Bald Strong Birthday Cake

Bald Strong Birthday Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.6 (1)







For a little boy’s birthday, he is going to make a bald-headed cake. God knows that I hate this cartoon the most, but our kids are also watching it on the computer every day. It feels really ugly! no way! I really don't like him! Still use the glutinous rice paper transfer method! "

Bald Strong Birthday Cake

1. Prepare an eight-inch cake base

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

2. Divide evenly into three pieces.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

3. Peel and dic the fruits separately

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

4. Beat the whipped cream with granulated sugar until six to distribute.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

5. At this time, the cream is thick and slightly textured. Take out about 30 grams for later use.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

6. Beat the remaining cream till nine and distribute it.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

7. Take a piece of cake base, dig out an appropriate amount of cream and smooth it, and then spread the diced fruit.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

8. Spread three layers of cake embryos in sequence.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

9. Wipe the noodles.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

10. Print the pictures you need

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

11. Cover it with glutinous rice paper and trace it lightly with chocolate cream. Make a detailed description, as long as you can see it clearly. The glutinous rice paper is easily torn when the trace is heavy.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

12. Cut out around the picture, and try not to leave extra glutinous rice paper. Gently spread the pattern on the cake surface.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

13. Trace the outline again with chocolate cream.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

14. Use the cream you just took out to add various colors for coloring.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

15. Make the green color, decorate with a small grass piping flower mouth, and then draw the big tree and squeeze the leaves.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

16. Write happy birthday in English and sprinkle with sugar beads.

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe

17. Ugh! dislike!

Bald Strong Birthday Cake recipe


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