Big Head Son Birthday Cake

Big Head Son Birthday Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.9 (1)







Big Head Son Birthday Cake

1. Prepare an eight-inch chiffon cake base.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

2. Divide evenly into three pieces.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

3. Wash all kinds of fruits, peeled and diced.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

4. Add 40 grams of sugar to whipped cream and beat with an electric whisk at low speed.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

5. Take out about 30 grams when it is distributed on the fifth day.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

6. Add a little blue pigment to the remaining whipped cream and beat it till nine times.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

7. Take a piece of cake base and spread it on the bottom.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

8. Dig an appropriate amount of whipped cream, smooth it, and place the diced fruit.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

9. Spread another piece of cake base and repeat the previous steps until three pieces have been spread.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

10. Finish wiping at right angles.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

11. Find out the desired pattern and print it out!

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

12. Spread glutinous rice paper and lightly coat the outline with chocolate fruit paste.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

13. Cut the pattern and place it on the cake.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

14. Follow the thick lines (⊙o⊙)... and trace it again.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

15. Squeeze a ring of small shells on the bottom of the cake. Squeeze money around the top with small dots.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

16. Fill the hair with chocolate fruit cream, and fill the clothes and tongue with fruit cream of other colors.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

17. The 30 grams of whipped cream that has not been completely whipped up just now is filled with a little flesh-colored pigment. Write happy birthday and just decorate it a bit.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe

18. carry out.

Big Head Son Birthday Cake recipe


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