Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup

by Jingjing 8661

4.8 (1)







Dictyophora yam, with some ham, it tastes good


Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup

1. Wash the bones, soak the bamboo fungus, cut the yam into sections and prepare, marinate the bones with cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, prepare the ginger and grass fruit, you can put appropriate amount of green onion

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe

2. Wash and pickle

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe

3. Wash, slice and cut

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe

4. Wash and cut off

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe

5. Floating end

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe

6. Medium fire

Bamboo Sun Yam Pork Bone Soup recipe


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