Beauty Beauty Rose Wine

Beauty Beauty Rose Wine

by One 💕

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In addition to admiring roses, it can also be the raw material for a variety of precious skin care products. Since ancient times, roses have been used for health and beauty. Empress Wu Zetian of the Great Zhou Dynasty of Tang Dynasty drank rose nectar and applied rose petals at night. Although she was over sixtieth birthday, her face was like a peach blossom. Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi used roses to bathe and beautify her, and she remained youthful in her twilight years. Rose also has high medicinal value.
Let’s soak a pot of rose wine today, and exude beauty from the inside out. "

Beauty Beauty Rose Wine

1. Put the roses in a container that has been washed with wine.

Beauty Beauty Rose Wine recipe

2. Add rock sugar.

Beauty Beauty Rose Wine recipe

3. Pour into Jiujiang double steamed wine, seal the lid and put it in a cool place, and you can drink it after one month. This wine can be purchased at Tmall flagship store, search: Yuanhang Jiujiang flagship store. Tmall’s authentic products are guaranteed, and express delivery is very convenient.

Beauty Beauty Rose Wine recipe


1. The tools and containers used in the whole production process are cleaned and wiped dry. Do not leave a little water, or the brewed wine will deteriorate. You can also use wine to clean tools and containers.
2. The receptacle and center of the rose can be removed, leaving only the petals, so there is no bitterness.


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