Mom Birthday Cake

Mom Birthday Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.8 (1)







When making this cake, my heart is full of blessings. Although it was not my mother's birthday, she did it very hard. Hope the owner of this cake is happy tonight! happy! I wish all the mothers under the world good health! "

Mom Birthday Cake

1. Prepare an eight-inch chiffon cake base

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

2. Divide it into three evenly with a cake splitter.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

3. Refrigerate the whipped cream in advance and beat with 50 grams of sugar.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

4. Distribute at six. When the cream is thick and slightly textured, take out about 30 grams and set aside.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

5. Beat the other cream until nine and distribute it.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

6. Take a piece of cake embryo and place it on the bottom tray, and take an appropriate amount of jam and spread it evenly.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

7. Take an appropriate amount of whipped cream and smooth it.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

8. Sprinkle a layer of raisins. Because this family doesn't like to eat fruits, they used raisins.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

9. Repeat the above actions until the three layers have been laid.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

10. Add a little pink pigment to the remaining whipped cream and mix thoroughly.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

11. Finish wiping. It was good today.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

12. Find the right picture and print it out. Today this is simple, I drew it myself.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

13. Spread glutinous rice paper and trace lightly along the outline. This step can be omitted and painted directly on the cake.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

14. Cut out the pattern and place it gently on the cake surface.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

15. Trace the outline again.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

16. Just fill in the color. The hair is chocolate fruit cream. Put the cream that was not completely whipped out just now on the face, put it in the piping bag, cut a small opening and fill it in thinly.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

17. Squeeze a circle of small shells on the bottom of the cake. A circle of small balls is squeezed on top for decoration.

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

18. Write happy birthday in English and sprinkle with sugar beads. carry out!

Mom Birthday Cake recipe

19. The finished product!

Mom Birthday Cake recipe


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