Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates

by Kitchen full of love

4.8 (1)







1. Bitter melon is cold in nature and bitter in taste, enters the heart, lungs, and stomach, has the functions of quenching thirst, lowering blood pressure, blood lipids, beautifying beauty, and promoting metabolism. Bitter gourd is also rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C and minerals. It can be used for a long time to maintain energy and has great benefits in the treatment of acne.
2. Xinjiang Hotan jujube is rich in vitamins A, C and other essential vitamins and 18 kinds of amino acids and minerals. Among them, the content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is 70 to 80 times that of grapes and apples, and the content of vitamin P is also Very high, these two vitamins have a certain effect on preventing cancer and preventing high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia. "


Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates

1. Wash one bitter gourd, cut into sections according to the length of the red dates, and take out the bitter gourd seed film. Wash the red dates and remove the pits.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe

2. Put the bitter gourd section into boiling water for blanching.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe

3. The blanched bitter gourd section is immersed in cold water with a little salt to cool, and soaked for a while.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe

4. Put the pitted red dates into the hollow of the bitter gourd section.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe

5. Cut the bitter gourd section filled with red dates into moderately thick slices and place them on a plate.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe

6. Put rock sugar in the pot and boil it, then add a little honey to make gorgon juice, and finally pour it on the bitter gourd and red dates. Serve.

Bitter Gourd Stuffed Red Dates recipe


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