Blueberry Yam

Blueberry Yam

by Alice Alice Xiaoxu

4.8 (1)








The calorie of blueberry yam (based on 100 grams of edible part) is 83 kcal (347 kJ), which is relatively low per unit of calories. The calorie per 100 grams of blueberry yam accounts for about 3% of the total calorie intake for ordinary adults recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society to maintain health.

The nutritional value of blueberries

1. Blueberries have a high pectin content, which can effectively reduce cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, and promote cardiovascular health;

2. Blueberries contain anthocyanin II pigment, which has the effect of activating the retina, which can strengthen eyesight and prevent eye fatigue;

3. Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, which can enhance heart function, prevent cancer and heart disease, prevent cranial nerves from aging, and increase brain power; it also has a certain improvement effect on common colds, sore throat and diarrhea. In addition, VC is also a natural sunscreen ingredient, and it can also remove free radicals produced by the skin after sunburn, and has a certain effect on repair after sunburn. VC and anthocyanins work together to prevent and treat scurvy.

The nutritional value of yam

1. Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is conducive to the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach. It is a dual-purpose product that can flatten the spleen and stomach. Regardless of spleen yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, it can be eaten. Clinically, it is commonly used to treat diseases such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, lack of food, fatigue, and diarrhea.

2. Yam contains a variety of nutrients, which can strengthen the body, nourish the kidney and nourish the essence. People with kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea, women with excessive leucorrhea, frequent urination, etc. can be taken;

3. Yam contains saponins and mucus, which have lubricating and moisturizing effects, so it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin, and treat lung deficiency, phlegm, cough and chronic cough;


Blueberry Yam

1. After washing the yam, cut into strips.

Blueberry Yam recipe

2. Prepare the Chobe Blueberry Jam in advance

Blueberry Yam recipe

3. After adding the yam, turn the rice cooker to the steaming position.

Blueberry Yam recipe

4. The steamed yam is peeled with a knife, and then wrapped in plastic wrap. Finally, it is rolled into pieces with a rolling pin. If you like sweetness, you can put the stirred yam in a bowl, add a little milk and a little white sugar.

Blueberry Yam recipe

5. Shape the yam by hand, and pour the blueberry sauce from top to bottom. If you have a mold, you can use the mold to shape the yam first, and then pour the blueberry sauce.

Blueberry Yam recipe


Super simple blueberry yam, I have nothing to say.


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