Braised Delicious

Braised Delicious

by Accidentally wjzlfwms520

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Delicacy that removes heat and dampness, nourishes yin and nourishes qi


Braised Delicious

1. The soft-shelled turtle asked the people from the vegetable farm to help kill it, and went home and put the soft-shelled turtle in 80 degrees boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes to peel off a layer of sandy skin on the soft-shelled turtle. This step is very important, because this layer of sandy skin cannot be eaten and must be cleaned, otherwise it will affect the taste. After letting it cool (you can also soak in cold water to cool down), use a small knife to gently shave off the black and dirty skin of the turtle, especially the head, legs, and skirts. If it feels slippery to the touch, it’s fine.

Braised Delicious recipe

2. There are a lot of oils in the turtle’s legs and shell. You need to remove it completely. A black film on the inner wall of the turtle’s head is torn off the turtle’s lungs, and the throat is cut off.

Braised Delicious recipe

3. After everything is cleaned up, change the knife, don’t use the head, cut off the nails of the turtle, chop it into small pieces,

Braised Delicious recipe

4. Pour the pieces of turtle into the pot and scald them with boiling water to remove the fishy. Take out the hot soft-shelled turtle and set aside.

Braised Delicious recipe

5. Prepare cinnamon, star anise, fennel, ginger, garlic, green onion, celery leaf, a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of oil, and a spoonful of tea soy sauce for later use;

Braised Delicious recipe

6. Heat oil in a pan, put the ginger slices in and fry until fragrant. Put the simmered turtle into the ginger slice pan and fry; add garlic to the pot and stir fry together; after the turtle fries the aroma, cut the green onion into sections Stir-fry evenly in the pan,

Braised Delicious recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of cooking wine and stir fry evenly, pour the oyster sauce and soy sauce soy sauce into the pot and stir fry until it tastes.

Braised Delicious recipe

8. Add water equal to that of the soft-shelled turtle to a boil over high heat. Put the cinnamon, star anise and fennel into the marinade bag, put the marinade bag in the pan, simmer for 15 minutes, and remove the foam on the surface of the turtle soup. Oh.

Braised Delicious recipe

9. Turtle contains gum, so the soup will be very sticky. After fifteen minutes, take the stewed turtle out of the steamed turtle pot. Put an appropriate amount of water starch in the turtle pot to thicken, and then add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Braised Delicious recipe

10. Finally, put the celery leaves in the pot and stir evenly to turn off the heat. The delicious and nutritious turtle casserole is complete.

Braised Delicious recipe


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