Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup

by Cc Lu wants to be Monkey King

4.9 (1)







Boiled a big pot for my grandma's body.
Turtle soup is to be stewed with live turtles. I dare not kill the turtles. At this step in the vegetable market, I will give it to the uncle who sells turtles. As for the bloody scene, 1800 words are omitted.


Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup

1. The uncle at the vegetable market did the job of killing the turtle. He went home and cut into pieces and soaked for 3 hours. Boil a pot of water, add sliced green onion, ginger, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, turtle cubes, and cook for 5 minutes. This step is to remove the fishy odor. It should be boiled for 5 minutes, and fished out without putting it in the water.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

2. Soak the wolfberry and dried shiitake mushrooms in water, wash the red dates, and prepare the winter bamboo shoots (cook them beforehand) and cut them into pieces.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

3. Put the over-watered soft-shelled turtle, green onion, sliced ginger, and soaked shiitake mushrooms into the inner pot of the rice cooker, and add the pure water that has not been over the soft-shelled turtle.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

4. Start the rice cooker 【Soup】function and start the first 90 minutes of cooking.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

5. After 90 minutes, add bamboo shoots and activate the [Soup] function for the second 90-minute cooking.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

6. After boiling the soup for 180 minutes, add red dates and goji berries.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

7. Season with salt and simmer for 20 minutes at the end. That's it.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe

8. The method is the same with the casserole, as long as there is enough time, the soup will be delicious.

Spring Bamboo Shoots Turtle Soup recipe


Soup is very simple, as long as there is enough time.


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