Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans

by Aro al

4.9 (1)







One of the most popular noodles in the north, the noodles are chewy and salty and have a strong flavor.


Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans

1. Ingredients needed: a pound of green beans, a pound of fresh noodles (you can't use dried noodles for this, it will stick to a lump), a slice of pork, ten slices of ginger, five garlic cloves, five star anises, five spoons of brewed soy sauce, Five-spice powder, sugar, and chicken essence are appropriate.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

2. Put three spoons of oil in the pot, fry the ginger slices, minced garlic, star anise, and five-spice powder to create a fragrant aroma.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

3. Add the meat and stir fry until the color changes.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

4. Add the beans and stir fry for ten minutes, until the beans turn wilted and slightly yellow.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

5. This step of frying the beans is a must, so that the fried beans will not have a jerky taste and can more absorb the flavor of the sauce.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

6. Add half a spoon of sugar and half a spoon of chicken bouillon. Add soy sauce and two large bowls of water in, without the beans.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

7. Bring out a bowl of soup after boiling.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

8. Cover and simmer for half an hour.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

9. After simmering, shake the noodles and spread them on the beans.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

10. After spreading, pour the soup evenly on the surface of the noodles, cover with medium heat and simmer for five minutes, then turn to low heat and simmer for five minutes.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

11. Open the lid and turn over the noodles. Turn over the noodles that were in contact with the soup. Cover and simmer for two more minutes.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

12. Stir the noodles and beans evenly out of the pan.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

13. Served with mung bean porridge and cold side dishes.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe

14. Every time I eat braised roasted meat and bean curd noodles.

Braised Noodles with Roasted Pork and Beans recipe


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