Braised Pork with Dried Beans

Braised Pork with Dried Beans

by Bai Liangzi

4.8 (1)







I'm a little bit obsessed with "Scaring Heart" recently

I read the book and watched two episodes of TV series

I don’t know where I met the strings."


Braised Pork with Dried Beans

1. Cut the pork belly into large pieces and blanch it in boiling water for two minutes to remove

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

2. Put a little oily pork belly in a pot and stir-fry slowly for 5 minutes to get the oil

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

3. Put a piece of fermented bean curd, soy sauce, sugar, seasoning and color, stir fry until the color is evenly distributed on the meat

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

4. Pour in the boiling water and the amount of water has covered the meat

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

5. Switch to a casserole for a medium-low heat to stew the meat and add spices (star anise, one bay leaf, two slices of cumin, and two dried chilies)

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

6. Before the dried dried beans, soak the beans soaked for a day in water, put them in the stew and continue to simmer for about 1 hour.

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe


1 Soak dried beans in advance or it will be difficult to stew and delicious

2 It is delicious no matter how stewed without pork belly. . . . .


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