Braised Pork with Dried Beans

Braised Pork with Dried Beans

by Tianshan Cocoa

4.8 (1)







Braised pork with cowpea is a favorite in my family in winter. This is the taste of Yuanzhi’s mother, because every summer when cowpeas are on the market in large quantities, her mother will dry a lot of dried cowpeas. In winter, she will stew beef with carrots and stew meat. After learning from my mother’s experience, I will sun some dried cowpeas, make braised pork, beef stew, etc. every year. The dried cowpea made this time was from last year. Last year, I dried too much and I never finished eating. Xinjiang is dry. As long as it is dried, placed in a food bag, and placed there, it will not regain moisture and mold. So every year some dried radishes, cauliflower, cowpeas and lentils are dried. In winter, you can stew meat and sauté meat at any time. Specially made braised pork with a little bit of dried beans, which can absorb the fat but not greasy of the braised pork, because the dried beans absorb oil, and the dried beans absorb the taste of the braised pork, and become delicious and delicious. The two are really a perfect match, so delicious.


Braised Pork with Dried Beans

1. Main ingredients: dried cowpea, pork belly. Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable oil, salt, star anise, peppercorns, cinnamon, green onion ginger, spicy skin, sugar, light soy sauce

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

2. Soak the dried cowpea in warm water to soften and wash

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

3. .Soak dried cowpeas in warm water to soften and wash

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

4. Put the pork belly in a pot under cold water, add a few peppercorns to a boil

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

5. Scoop up and cut into small pieces, wash and mince the green onion and ginger spicy skin

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

6. Heat the pan with cold oil, heat 50% of the oil and stir-fry the sugar until the bubbles become brown

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

7. Stir fry the lower pork belly to evenly color

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

8. Add white wine and light soy sauce and stir fry evenly

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

9. Add star anise, peppercorns, green onion, ginger, and cinnamon and stir fry to create a fragrance

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

10. Add water and bring to a boil, turn to low heat and boil for 10 minutes

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

11. Lower dried cowpea segment

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

12. Lower dried cowpea segment

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe

13. Continue to cook until the pork belly is cooked through

Braised Pork with Dried Beans recipe


Soak the dried cowpea in advance to soften and wash it several times, and wash it until there is no yellow water.


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