Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup

by Three Thousands of Houchu

4.8 (1)







You can do it at home, star rating Shanghai Green!


Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup

1. Material preparation:
Shanghai Green is cut into four pieces with a "ten" knife method, and then washed and dried to control the moisture for later use;
Cut ginger and garlic into cubes for later use;

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup recipe

2. Start stir fry:
Pour oil in a hot pan, add garlic and ginger and stir fry until fragrant, then add Shanghai greens and continue to stir fry;

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup recipe

3. Add appropriate amount of light soy sauce, oil consumption, 2 tablespoons of chicken broth, then stir-fry evenly, cover and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes;

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup recipe

4. After simmering, add appropriate amount of chicken essence and salt, and stir-fry evenly;

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup recipe

5. Pick up the pot, and the plate is complete.

Braised Shanghai Green in Chicken Soup recipe


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