Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce

by Mei Sister's Petty Bourgeois Life

4.9 (1)







In general, we fry a lot of dried tofu with meat, garlic sprouts, and green peppers, and the aroma flavor tastes a little bit more white. I have seen this many times and I have never had this time. I bought some and tossed it back. The difference in taste is still quite big, but I am super appetite and serve one main dish every day from now on, will you be very happy... But you are not allowed to ask me if you are fat


Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce

1. This kind of dried white tofu is usually sold in the food market where tofu is sold. There is also a coffee-colored one that has never been eaten in this white. So this time I tried it and it was really delicious. I bought it and washed it in cold water. . .

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

2. Just cut it into such uniform pieces, not too wide or too narrow. . .

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

3. Onion cut into small pieces

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

4. Spicy millet slices slightly larger oblique sections

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

5. Garlic and ginger cut into small pieces

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

6. Wash the shallots and cut into small pieces

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

7. Put cooking wine [a little more] in a small bowl, sugar, sesame oil, light soy sauce, add a little cool boiled, not too much

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

8. Put a little oil in the pot, add the dried white tofu when it is 60% hot, turn to medium and low heat and fry until

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

9. Fry it once and then turn it over

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

10. If you have a little golden brown on both sides, it can be out of the pan. Too dry will also affect the taste. The outside is dry and the inside is soft and fragrant.

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

11. Leave a little oil for frying dried tofu, add ginger, garlic slices and shallots until fragrant

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

12. Add the chopped onion, dried chili, and a little pepper to fry until fragrant

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

13. Put the fried tofu and stir fry

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

14. Put a spoonful of Laoganma sauce

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

15. The prepared sauce can also be poured in, so that the sauce is evenly covered on the dried tofu, cover and simmer over high heat

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

16. When the soup is almost ready, add the chopped millet and it's spicy

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

17. Finally, add the chopped green onion and it will be out of the pot

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

18. Take a bite, it's a bit crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, full of sauce, and it tastes great

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe

19. The total cost of this dish is six yuan, but it’s super appetizing. If it’s in a restaurant, it’s about 20 yuan at least, so go buy vegetables quickly.

Braised White Dried Tofu in Sauce recipe


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