Broad Bean Cake

Broad Bean Cake

by The plate can sing

4.7 (1)







A few days ago, the neighbors downstairs knocked on the door and brought a big bag of hulled broad beans. They said they were picked from the countryside just now and asked me to bring them to my mother-in-law. After I was very grateful, I smelled broad beans floating all over the room. After the freshness was picked, the mother-in-law peeled all the shells and couldn't eat them all at once, so I picked some slightly older ones to make pastries. The older broad beans are more sandy, and the cakes are the most suitable.


Broad Bean Cake

1. Fresh broad beans are all peeled

2. After peeling off the broad bean skins, put the broad bean rice into the pot, add enough water, and cook it.

Broad Bean Cake recipe

3. Then take out the cooked broad bean rice and put it in a blender to make broad bean puree

4. In a non-stick pan, add the mashed broad beans, add rock sugar, and simmer on low heat

Broad Bean Cake recipe

5. After the rock sugar is boiled, add light cream and yogurt, and cook until the broad bean paste is thick.

6. Put a layer of plastic wrap on the bottom of the clean container, then pour the thick mashed broad beans into the container, scrape it smoothly, cool completely, put it in the refrigerator overnight

Broad Bean Cake recipe
Broad Bean Cake recipe
Broad Bean Cake recipe


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