Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice

by mature11

4.6 (1)







The fresh broad beans have come down. I have never eaten fresh broad beans before, so I also want to buy broad beans to make a braised rice.
For busy office workers, sometimes they are too tired to move when they come home from get off work. Stewed rice can eat as quickly as possible without spending time in the kitchen. It only takes less than half an hour to have food and vegetables. It's so convenient.
Broad beans contain protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, phospholipids, choline, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, especially phosphorus and potassium. Chinese medicine believes that lentils are sweet and slightly pungent. Return to the spleen and stomach meridian. It has the effect of treating spleen and stomach failure, edema and other diseases.


Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice

1. For bought broad beans like this, peel off the beans and then peel off the outer skin of the beans

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

2. Bring the water to a boil, blanch the broad bean petals, then cool the water so that the broad beans will be greener and better cooked

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

3. Diced carrots, sliced salami

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

4. Wash the rice, add the amount of water for braising rice, and put it in the rice cooker.

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

5. Start cooking program

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

6. Put a little oil in the pan, fry the broad beans for a few minutes, and set aside

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

7. Stir-fried diced carrots

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

8. Stir-fry the sausages for a few minutes and set aside

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

9. Add the carrots and sausage to the rice about half the time

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe

10. Add broad beans 5 minutes before serving

Broad Bean Sausage Braised Rice recipe


The elderly, students during examinations, mental workers, people with high cholesterol and constipation are suitable for consumption;
It is not suitable for people with middle Jiao deficiency and cold, and those who have had a fava bean allergy must not eat it again;
People with hereditary red blood cell deficiency, patients with hemorrhoids bleeding, indigestion, chronic colitis, uremia, etc. should pay attention to them, and should not eat broad beans;
Children with fava bean disease must not eat fava beans.


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