Candied Sydney

Candied Sydney

by Food Traveling World 517

4.6 (1)







This dish is crunchy, sweet, slightly sour and sour, suitable for winter!"


Candied Sydney

1. Prepare the ingredients

Candied Sydney recipe

2. Cut the Sydney pear into pieces, separate the egg yolk and egg whites, pay attention to dry the plate where the egg whites are placed,

Candied Sydney recipe

3. Beat the egg whites into egg batter. . Add some starch in the middle,

Candied Sydney recipe

4. Just hit it until the chopsticks can be erected

Candied Sydney recipe

5. Sydney also took a layer of powder

Candied Sydney recipe

6. Then sit in a frying pan and wrap the Sydney pears in a frying pan and fry them at low oil temperature

Candied Sydney recipe

7. After it's finished, open the fire and fry the golden color and remove it for later use

Candied Sydney recipe

8. Then leave a little base oil in the pot, add a teaspoon of water and a little bit of vinegar, white vinegar is best, and start to boil the sugar with the white sugar. This step is very important. Observe the change of the sugar and start to thin, after a while, it thickens and then thins the sugar to color it. Now, the sugar will be ready now, quickly put the fried Sydney in the pot and turn over the spoon.

Candied Sydney recipe

9. It’s okay to flip a few more times, and start to cook; now,,

Candied Sydney recipe

10. The embellishment daughter-in-law is ready...

Candied Sydney recipe


But the batter is best to use a whisk, add starch in the middle, otherwise it will not be crispy, and add a little vinegar when the sugar is boiled and it will not taste so sweet.


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