Carrot Lamb Dumplings

Carrot Lamb Dumplings

by Soft blue crystal

4.8 (1)







Speaking of dumplings, I still like to eat lamb-flavored dumplings. I always feel that the aroma of pork is not strong enough, and the beef is tasteless, but people who don't like lamb may not accept it. Now it’s much easier to make dumplings. You can use a machine to break the meat and stuffing, saving time and trouble.


Carrot Lamb Dumplings

1. Add green onions, ginger, and garlic to the lamb, and mince it with a meat grinder.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe

2. Carrots are also minced with a meat grinder.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe

3. Mix the lamb and carrots, add salt, thirteen spices, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce and stir well.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe

4. After mixing the flour with water, let it stand for an hour, then cut it into ingredients, roll them into round pieces, fill them with stuffing, and wrap them up in a familiar way.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe

5. Wrap everything. My method of wrapping is called willow-leaf wrapping, and in our house it is called mouse dumplings.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe

6. After the water boils, the dumplings are cooked in a pot.

Carrot Lamb Dumplings recipe


If you don't like the smell of lamb, add some pepper water to the lamb to get rid of it.


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