Chicken Pizza

Chicken Pizza

by Baoma's little chef.

4.6 (1)







I’ve made pizza again and again recently. I like the taste of chicken, completely home-made, homemade pizza crust. I don’t like the thick and tasteless dough around it. It’s all covered with ingredients, although it’s not pretty, but It tastes quite enjoyable..."


Chicken Pizza

1. High-gluten flour is mixed with warm water activated yeast water and white sugar to knead into a smooth dough, cover it with plastic wrap and ferment to 2~2.5 times its size

Chicken Pizza recipe

2. Unload the chicken thighs and cut into thick slices

Chicken Pizza recipe

3. Add black pepper, ginger powder, cooking wine, salt, sugar and marinate for a while, then add a little dry starch and stir well

Chicken Pizza recipe

4. Add a little oil to the pan, fry the chicken, add a little green pepper and onion and fry until the chicken turns white, add a little dark soy sauce to color, turn off the heat

Chicken Pizza recipe

5. Put the chicken in the strainer and use a spoon to press several times to control the oil and moisture (must be controlled, or the finished product will collapse in water)

Chicken Pizza recipe

6. After the finished dough is vented, divide the dough, roll it into an 8-inch crust, insert some small holes, and cover with plastic wrap and wake up for another 15 minutes

Chicken Pizza recipe

7. Prepare shredded green pepper, shredded onion (to be very thin), mozzarella, and diced tomatoes

Chicken Pizza recipe

8. Brush with tomato sauce and sprinkle with pizza grass

Chicken Pizza recipe

9. Put it in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake the middle layer for about 10 minutes

Chicken Pizza recipe

10. Sprinkle mozzarella on the pie crust and bake it until it becomes light.

Chicken Pizza recipe

11. Sprinkle with chicken, green pepper, onion, mozzarella, and diced tomatoes

Chicken Pizza recipe

12. Put it in the oven, the middle level is 200 degrees, and bake for 10-15 minutes.

Chicken Pizza recipe

13. Picture of the finished chicken pizza!

Chicken Pizza recipe

14. Cut it open! !

Chicken Pizza recipe

15. Finished picture! ! !

Chicken Pizza recipe

16. Finished picture! ! ! !

Chicken Pizza recipe


1 Slip-fried chicken must not be fried
2 The fried chicken must be cleaned of oil and water, or the finished product will collapse in water


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