Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen"

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen"

by Fish kitchen

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Seeing this burger, you can no longer say that burgers are junk food. You don’t have to worry about health if you eat more of this burger! "


Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen"

1. First, let's steam the Chinese-style hamburger dough.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

2. Ingredients: 200g corn flour, 200g low-gluten flour, 410g pure milk, 15g sugar, 4g high temperature yeast.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

3. Method: Pour cornmeal and low-gluten flour into a large bowl.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

4. Add sugar.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

5. Put the yeast in a small bowl.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

6. Pour in a small amount of pure milk, stir well, and let stand for five minutes.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

7. Mix corn flour, low-gluten flour, and sugar.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

8. Pour in yeast liquid and milk and stir to form a viscous porridge, cover with plastic wrap, and put it in a warm place for fermentation.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

9. Observe that the increase is 1.5 times, and it will be fermented.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

10. Brush the inside of the mold with a thin layer of tasteless vegetable oil to prevent sticking (corn oil is used for the fish);

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

11. Put it into the mold, shake it lightly, let it stand for a few minutes, and boil the steamer water at the same time;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

12. After the water boils, put it in the steamer, steam for 25 minutes and turn off the heat, do not open the lid, and simmer for 5 minutes before opening the lid;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

13. Steamed Chinese hamburger dough;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

14. After letting cool slightly, pour out from the mold.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

15. On the whole, the color is attractive; when viewed in section, it is fluffy and delicate. The corn is sweet and smells of milk.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

16. Even if you eat such a hamburger, the entrance is soft, delicate and sweet; with vegetables and fillings, it must be a high-value Chinese hamburger.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

17. How to make a Chinese-style burger billet into a decent burger?

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

18. Ingredients: 1 Chinese hamburger, 3 eggs, 1 tomato, 2 slices of cheese, appropriate amount of lettuce, appropriate amount of salad dressing, appropriate amount of vegetable oil.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

19. Food material pretreatment: egg beaten up;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

20. Put a little fish in the wok and pour half of the egg liquid;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

21. When the egg liquid is about to solidify, put in a slice of cheese;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

22. Wrap all sides with eggs and serve out;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

23. The other half of the egg liquid and cheese slices are the same as steps 19, 20, 21, and 22;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

24. Fold two pieces of egg cheese and cheese noodles together, put them in a wok, fry both sides until golden brown and serve;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

25. Cut the tomatoes into large slices of suitable thickness for later use;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

26. Cut the Chinese-style hamburger into two pieces for later use;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

27. Hand tear the lettuce into a suitable shape for later use;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

28. Chinese-style hamburger assembly: hamburger blanks covered with salad dressing;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

29. Put lettuce on, and put a little salad dressing on the lettuce;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

30. Put on sliced tomatoes;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

31. Put on the egg cheese;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

32. Put on sliced tomatoes;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

33. Put lettuce on, smear a little salad dressing on the lettuce, and cover the hamburger.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

34. Chinese egg cheeseburger is complete.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

35. The egg is wrapped with thick cheese, the milk is mellow, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender;

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

36. After a bite, the sweetness of corn, the fragrance of eggs, the mellow fragrance of cheese, and the refreshing taste of tomatoes and lettuce are unparalleled.

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe

37. No cheese, no salad dressing, some miso, the flavor is better and unique, you can also try our Chinese own healthy burgers!

Chinese Egg Cheeseburger ── Private Kitchen of "fish Kitchen" recipe


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