Coffee Ice Cream

Coffee Ice Cream

by Chunchun Chef

4.7 (1)







The super simple formula produces a fragrant and smooth coffee ice cream that tastes better than many high-end brands. The real material is the key. If you don't believe it, try it yourself! "


Coffee Ice Cream

1. The whipped cream is very smooth and foamy.

Coffee Ice Cream recipe

2. Take three bags of instant coffee.

Coffee Ice Cream recipe

3. Add milk to allow the coffee powder to dissolve fully. Pour in a small amount of rum. Mix well with whipped cream. Pour it into a crisper or other container and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Coffee Ice Cream recipe

4. Take it out of the refrigerator, cover it with a hot towel and release it from the mold.

Coffee Ice Cream recipe

5. The finished coffee has a strong flavour and a dense and smooth mouth.

Coffee Ice Cream recipe


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