Cold Chicken Gizzards

Cold Chicken Gizzards

by Leaf's Little Chef

4.7 (1)







My friend came home and made a table of dishes. This cold chicken gizzard is the most popular. My friend said that this one dish is enough to go with a glass of wine. Everyone loves this dish. Every time I eat this dish, I can’t help it. When I cook it, I use my own pickled peppers, cannon ginger and pickled garlic. The taste is even better. It's delicious, let's not gossip, let's take a look at the method...


Cold Chicken Gizzards

1. Prepare the raw materials.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

2. Cut the pickled ginger into slices, break the pickled garlic into one clove, and cut the green onion into sections.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

3. Add enough water to the pot, add pickled peppers, pickled garlic, pickled ginger, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, green onions, cooking wine, and bring to a boil. If you don't have pickled ginger, pickled garlic, or pickled pepper, you can add dried chili and ginger directly. Personally recommend not adding garlic. You can decide according to your taste.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

4. Rinse chicken gizzards thoroughly to remove excess fat.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

5. Put the chicken gizzards in a pot and cook.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

6. Cook for about 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for two hours.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

7. Cut the chicken gizzards into thin slices.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

8. Cut coriander into small pieces.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

9. Put chicken gizzards and coriander into a container, add appropriate amount of light soy sauce, rice vinegar, and spicy red oil, and mix well.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe

10. The cold chicken gizzards are ready.

Cold Chicken Gizzards recipe


The method of spicy red oil is on my blog. The simple method is to pour hot oil into chili powder and pepper powder. You can also chop the bean paste, stir-fry it in oil, and add it. The taste is also good. Because the seasoning contains salt, I didn't add any more salt, so you can add it according to your taste.


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