Cold Potato Bone Soup

Cold Potato Bone Soup

by Hua Ning Yuyan

4.9 (1)







Yesterday I went to the morning market to buy vegetables. I suddenly saw something that looked very similar to sweet potatoes. I thought it was a sweet potato, but when I picked it up, it didn’t. I asked the boss what the dish was called, but the boss said it was sweet potato. Because we also call sweet potatoes as sweet potatoes locally, the boss went on to say, this is a southern dish, indeed, I haven't seen it before.

Later, I went to Baidu and searched it. This dish is called Liangshu. It is grown in southwestern my country. It is a legume root and stem food. It is also very nutritious. It has the effects of beautifying and beautifying, reducing blood pressure and fat, clearing heat and relieving heat. Containing trace elements such as protein and vitamins, which can improve immunity, it seems to be a good food indeed.


Cold Potato Bone Soup

1. The cold potatoes and pork bones are ready. For the soup, pork leg bones are the best. I didn’t buy them today, only this kind of spine.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

2. This is a cold potato, does it look a bit like a potato?

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

3. The skin of the cold potato can be torn off without peeling, and then cut into pieces for later use.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

4. Soak the pig bones in water for a while, then blanch it again to remove the blood foam inside, pour a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fishy, if you make the soup, it must be blanched in water. There is a layer of dirt floating on the blanched water. Then remove it and rinse it for later use.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

5. Put the pork bones in a casserole, add sliced ginger, wolfberry and 2 red dates

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

6. Pour in the seasoning, I only put cinnamon, bay leaves, and star anise.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of water, and the big bones are not too large. Boil for 40 minutes first.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

8. After 40 minutes, add the cold potatoes and continue to cook on a low fire, about half an hour. If time permits, you can cook for a longer time.

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe

9. After about 2 hours of boiling, a pot of delicious cold potato bone soup is ready

Cold Potato Bone Soup recipe


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