Cold Root Powder

Cold Root Powder

by Sister Lai's Private Kitchen

4.8 (1)








Cold Root Powder

1. Take an appropriate amount of Jue root powder and soak in warm water for 20 minutes

Cold Root Powder recipe

2. Prepare auxiliary materials, garlic, ginger and parsley during the soaking period

Cold Root Powder recipe

3. After the juegen powder is soaked, add water to the pot to boil, and then put the powder in the pot and boil for 6 minutes. Increase or decrease the boiling time according to the degree of the powder you soak.

Cold Root Powder recipe

4. Seasoning: cooked chili oil, pepper oil, light soy sauce, cold vinegar, cold sauce, sugar, small chives, all set aside

Cold Root Powder recipe

5. Pick up the boiled jue root powder and put it in cool boiled water to prevent sticking together.

Cold Root Powder recipe

6. Pour the seasoning prepared in the seasoning bowl and mix well

Cold Root Powder recipe

7. Finally, add ginger garlic coriander and mix well, then serve

Cold Root Powder recipe

8. Mix evenly

Cold Root Powder recipe

9. Finished picture

Cold Root Powder recipe


Those who don't like spicy can not add spicy and adjust according to personal taste.


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