Cold Shanghai Green

Cold Shanghai Green

by Happy elf a

4.7 (1)







Time flies so fast, it’s the beginning of autumn in a flash, and more than half of 2018 has passed. Looking back on the past, it seems that nothing has been done or nothing is done. Hey,,, life, when it’s time to cheer You have to work hard!
Although it is the beginning of autumn, the high temperature is still increasing, and there is another autumn tiger waiting for us there. So even if it’s the beginning of autumn, we need to pay more attention to the diet, more light and less greasy. Although there is a saying that there is autumn fat in Liqiu, it’s because before, the living conditions at home were not good, and there is usually nothing good to eat. Taking advantage of the autumn harvest, the conditions are ample to make some delicious tonics. Now basically There is no such problem. Now almost everyone has no worries about eating and dressing. Basically, every family has a bad meal, and the high temperature is still there. It is still not so healthy if it is too greasy and tonic. Therefore, we still do our best not to make up for it, and stick to the autumn fat. You know, autumn and winter are the easiest time to hide meat. If one is not careful, the number of yards has increased. In the spring of the coming year, I will start to feel annoyed again!
Elf, I want to introduce you a dish today. It is a vegetarian dish and a very common vegetable called Shanghai Green. Because the stem is white like a gourd calabash, it also eats white calabash. Vitamin B2 in Shanghai Green is particularly rich and has the effect of inhibiting ulcers; regular food can provide the human body with minerals and vitamins, and has a good effect on skin and eyes maintenance; in addition, it is rich in fiber, which can effectively improve constipation. Make your skin slippery.
In the past, I really didn't like to eat Shanghai Qing, but since I learned this method to cook it, it has become a frequent visitor to my food table. I always eat it three or four times a week. Speaking of this method, it is really simple, because before adding garlic to stir-fry, lovers don't like it; after changing my method, every time I serve it, it is the first dish to be robbed. There is no difficulty in operation, just blanch water, add seasonings, and mix well. In this period, because I was hurt by eating meat dishes, I hurriedly went to the kitchen, quickly mixed this sea green, gobbled it up every minute, and finally felt comfortable.
how about it? Do you like Shanghai Green? If you want to try, you can follow the wizard! Regarding Shanghai Youth, do you have any good suggestions? Please leave a message and share your experience with me. If you don’t understand anything, please leave a message. If you like my recipe, welcome, let me forward, favorite, share People learn how to do it! ! !

Cold Shanghai Green

1. Preparation of main raw materials.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

2. Soak in light salt water for 10 minutes, then wash and drain. (The root of the scoop is easy to hide sand, so it must be cleaned one by one.)

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

3. Millet pepper and minced garlic.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

4. Boil water in a pot, add a few drops of oil and a small amount of salt after the water is boiled.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

5. Next to Shanghai Green.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

6. Turn off the heat when the soup boils again.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

7. Pick up the blanched sea greens, dry the water and pour it into a bowl.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

8. Add refined salt while hot, the original flavor is fresh.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

9. After mixing well, add millet pepper and minced garlic.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

10. Heat oil in a pan, add green peppercorns and fry them until fragrant.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

11. Pour it over the garlic while it is still hot, to arouse the aroma of the garlic.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe

12. Mix well, pour in white vinegar, and serve.

Cold Shanghai Green recipe


1: This dish should be eaten right after mixing. If it is left for too long after mixing, the dish will easily change color and the taste will not be crispy.


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