Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup

by Diners on the tip of the tongue

4.7 (1)







Efficacy: Prolactin, beauty and beauty"


Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup

1. Soaking the soybeans takes a little shorter time, about 30 minutes. Soak the dried soybeans in cold water. If you buy fresh soybeans, it will save a lot of trouble. The wolfberry is also soaked in water.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

2. Dry kelp basically needs 3-4 hours to rise. If the texture is hard, the soaking time can be relatively long, but not more than 6 hours, because the soaking time is too long, the nutrients in the kelp, such as water-soluble vitamins, Inorganic salts, etc. will dissolve in water and the nutritional value will be reduced. It is best to change the water once or twice during soaking. Of course, if you buy fresh kelp, just wash it. Then cut the kelp into regular shapes.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

3. After the trotters are purchased, they also need to be soaked for about 2 hours. The purpose is to soak the blood in the trotters.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

4. Cut the trotters in two from the middle with a chopper, then chop them into large pieces, and cut along the seams of the trotters.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

5. Cut the scallions into green onions and slice the ginger into slices of ginger; blanch the trotters in a pot under cold water. After the water boils, turn off the heat and remove the water for about 5 minutes. The purpose is to remove the blood stains in the pig's feet.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

6. Heat up the wok, pour the salad oil, add the green onion and ginger when the oil is 60% hot and saute, immediately put the trotters in, stir fry a few times, and cook the appropriate amount of Huadiao wine. At this time, pour the pig's trotter in the wok into the prepared soup pot, add hot water, and the amount of water is suitable for the trotter's trotter.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe

7. Boil on high heat for 30 minutes, skimming the foam at any time. Change to medium heat, add soybeans and continue cooking for 40 minutes. At this time, put the kelp and wolfberry in, and continue to boil for 30 minutes on high heat. Our delicious, nourishing, creamy and creamy kelp and soy trotters soup is ready to serve.

Confinement Meal Kelp and Soy Trotters Soup recipe


Tips: 1. To make kelp and soy trotters soup, the preparation is very important. It is necessary to soak kelp, soybeans and brew trotters in advance, so it is recommended that you purchase the ingredients before cooking the next day.

2. Boil kelp and soy trotters soup. Be careful not to use a small fire all the time. Only a high fire can make the soup out of milky white. At least the final stage needs to use a high fire for 30 minutes.


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