Congee with Preserved Egg and Bacon

Congee with Preserved Egg and Bacon

by Liang Liang New Cook Zhang

4.7 (1)








Congee with Preserved Egg and Bacon

1. The porridge rice is boiled with water. At the same time, chop the preserved egg, shred ginger, and bacon. You can also use fresh lean pork, which is not available at home, so use bacon instead.

2. After the porridge is boiled, add shredded ginger, preserved eggs, and shredded bacon. If you use shredded pork, marinate it in advance with ginger, a little cooking wine and pepper.

3. Simmer for 30 minutes on low heat, add a little chicken essence and salt according to the taste, if you use bacon, the salt can be omitted.

4. Sprinkle a little chopped green onion at the end.

Congee with Preserved Egg and Bacon recipe


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