Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers

by Liu Dahua 266

4.9 (1)







A soft and sweet glutinous rice cake with glutinous corn kernels added, it has a sweeter taste and is very suitable for breakfast and afternoon tea!


Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers

1. First peel off the corn kernels of cooked waxy corn.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

2. Add glutinous rice flour, sugar, and a little bit of milk to form a drier mass as shown in the picture.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

3. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into a flat-bottomed non-stick pan and heat it up over low heat.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

4. Add corn kernels and glutinous rice balls.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

5. Press it flat with your hands.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

6. Gage is heated on a small fire.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

7. Turn the golden side over and re-brand it.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

8. Take out the golden yellow on both sides and install it on the plate.

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe

9. Cut it out and taste it, it's soft and sweet! Good mountain, good water, good corn, grandpa waxy corn

Creamy Corn Grain and Glutinous Rice Crackers recipe


1. This glutinous rice cake has a chewy texture, and the dough should be dry enough to stick to the corn kernels. \n2. Waxy corn is the best choice for corn, and the taste should not be too hard. I use grandpa waxy corn, which has moderate soft and hard taste, sweet and soft!


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