Crispy Fish Fillet

Crispy Fish Fillet

by Xiaoqiu Food Diary

4.9 (1)







The texture is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It’s a perfect match with tomato sauce. Hehe, I can’t help but eat a few pieces as soon as it’s fried."


Crispy Fish Fillet

1. One fish fillet, cut into thick strips, add salt and pepper and marinate for ten minutes

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe

2. After marinating, stick the starch first, and then wrap the egg liquid

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe

3. Finally wrap it with breadcrumbs

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe

4. Make code discs in turn

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe

5. The oil in the pot is 70% hot. Nowadays, fish fillets are fried until slightly yellow and picked up. Change to high heat and re-fry until golden, about ten seconds.

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe

6. After frying, use absorbent paper to absorb the oil

Crispy Fish Fillet recipe


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