Cumin Rice Cake

Cumin Rice Cake

by Scarlett WH

4.8 (1)







Zanba fish is the dish with the highest attendance rate in our house. Although this dish is a delicious dish that takes time to wait quietly, the longer it will taste, especially the moment you eat it, you will feel that all the waiting is worthwhile. . In fact, the people in Hubei make glutinous fish like that of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Each family has different tastes and methods, but they have different tastes. But in general, the taste is spicy and delicious, the fish is elastic and chewy, and it is very enjoyable to eat. You can't stop it when you eat it with wine or dry it as a snack. . . "


Cumin Rice Cake

1. Prepare raw materials;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

2. Add salt, ginger slices, pepper, red pepper and other aniseed ingredients to the fish cubes, and then add some high-quality liquor;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

3. Mix well and marinate for 1 hour;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

4. Put the marinated fish pieces in a basket and put them in a cool place to air-dry, usually it takes one day;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

5. Heat the pan with cooling oil, add the air-dried glutinous fish cubes and fry in the pan;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

6. Fry the fish on both sides until golden;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

7. Fry the fish on both sides until golden;

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

8. After the juice is dried, add cumin powder and chili powder (appropriate increase or decrease according to personal taste), stir-fry evenly, put it on the plate, and decorate the surface with nine layers of tower leaves.

Cumin Rice Cake recipe

9. Serve it.

Cumin Rice Cake recipe


1. Add appropriate amount of salt, ginger and other seasonings to the fish pieces for marinating; 2. Spread the marinated fish pieces flat in a basket and air-dry. Generally, it is best to marinate for a day; 3. Heat a pan with cold oil, and put Add the air-dried fish pieces and fry them until golden on both sides; 4. Cook some white wine and light soy sauce, let it taste delicious, stir-fry and stir-fry, and finally add cumin powder (add more chili powder if you like) and stir together. Stir-fry evenly.


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