Curry Beef Rice

Curry Beef Rice

by Little Angel No. 1

4.9 (1)




1h 30m



My boyfriend likes to eat IKEA’s curry beef rice. I said I’ll cook it for you. He feels incredible, but it’s actually super simple.


Curry Beef Rice

1. Wash the meat and peel the potatoes and carrots. (This potato is a bit ugly, forgive him if you think he is a real potato)

Curry Beef Rice recipe

2. Cut the beef into small pieces. Because there is no pressure cooker at home, cut the beef into smaller pieces so that it will be cooked better.

Curry Beef Rice recipe

3. Put the beef in a pot of cold water, add sliced ginger and green onion, turn on the heat to heat, skim off the foam and turn off the heat

Curry Beef Rice recipe

4. Rinse the beef and cook it in a pot. I checked that putting in hawthorn or tea can make the beef rot faster. I looked for tea at home and just took a little and threw it in. If there is a small gauze or something It is better to wrap the tea leaves, it will be easier to deal with later. It's probably been cooked for more than an hour.

Curry Beef Rice recipe

5. When cooking the meat, you can cut vegetables, all cut into small pieces of the same size for later use

Curry Beef Rice recipe

6. Add a small amount of oil and stir-fry the onion

Curry Beef Rice recipe

7. Then add beef and stir fry

Curry Beef Rice recipe

8. Then put all the cut potatoes, carrots and snow peas in and stir fry, and then add an appropriate amount of water to cover almost all the vegetables, and then simmer for 10 minutes to see if the potatoes are soft

Curry Beef Rice recipe

9. Put the curry cubes in, and quickly stir-fry after all of them have melted, and stir-fry for a while on low heat!

Curry Beef Rice recipe


That's it! It's delicious and super easy! Dear, hurry up and try


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